Drug and Alcohol Addiction Rehab and Detox
An addiction rehab and detox centre provides a safe place for people addicted to drugs or alcohol to complete a detoxification process – becoming free of their chemical dependency. Deciding to enter a detox centre can be a difficult decision.
I can provide support to a client to help them make that decision, to provide a range of options for detox in a centre or at home, and then prepare a package of ongoing after care support.

For clients that need a rehab and/or detox programme, I am able to create a plan with you to suit your needs to make sure you have the best start to recovery. There are many rehab and detox centres and systems out there but not all are the best quality or the right programme for everybody. I will help you decide on the best addiction rhab and detox course of action and give you the confidence and support to follow through.
I can help because I’ve been there. I know how to get out. Your next step is to call me on 07971 467305 for a personal and confidential rehab and detox programme that I can create for you.
I also have a number of partnerships with highly reputable detox and rehab centres across the world – including England, USA, Spain, Portugal, South Africa and Thailand. The first step is to make that call and see how I can help you get the right detox, rehab, and recovery counselling that fits your needs.