Drugs Addiction and Drugs Dependency

Looking for drug addiction counselling can feel like a difficult process because you are dealing with your symptoms of drug use and are faced with many options, do I go to the NHS drug treatment service, detox or rehab, private counselling, or Narcotics Anonymous? I have many years of experience of drug addiction counselling in London and can give you a free consultation to understand the best option for you, whether looking in the London area or in the UK for drug addiction treatment.

Your next step is to call me on 07971 467305 for a free confidential discussion to plan your next steps and build a new fulfilling life

If you are dealing with drug addiction or looking for help for a friend or family member, the quickest way to understand the right path to recovery is to speak with drug addiction specialist like myself. For emergencies, such as an overdose, rapid heart beat, unconsciousness, etc. please call 999 right away. We can discuss a recovery strategy after you have stabilised and are not in a life threatening situation.



“When I first came to see Mark I did not know how to stop my addictions. He listened when I needed him to and encouraged me when I had little motivation to change. Because of Mark my life is better than it has ever been.”

Drug Addiction and Drug Dependency are progressive mental health conditions and can be fatal. I have had my own battle with drug addiction and alcoholism, and I have seen many people close to me die from drug overdoses, poor health, and putting themselves in dangerous situations due to addiction. I am now over sixteen years clean and have spent that time helping hundreds of sufferers to overcome their chemical and behavioural addictions and live a new life.

What is drug addiction?

There are the obvious drugs that make the list when people think of drug addiction, cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy, hash, heroin, and more. A major silent killer in the UK, second most deadly behind heroin, is Over the Counter (OTC) and Prescription Only Medication (POM) abuse. The reason it is a silent killer is because these medications are available in stores and prescribed by doctors, many people don’t think something legal can be addictive and deadly. What ever the substance(s), if you are unable to control your use and have needed more and more to get high or get pain relief, then you should get in touch to discuss what we can do to get you the help you need.

Drug addiction counselling in London and the UK

There are many options for drug addiction counselling in London and across the UK. What may be confusing is what should your next steps be.  At this point, you may be thinking you can try to quit on your own, but it has been shown that drug addiction requires a strong support and treatment plan for your best chance to long term recovery. You may need detox and rehab, NHS treatment services, 12 step programme like Narcotics Anonymous, and private counselling.  I can help you through the options and devise a plan that works for your situation and needs.  Having my support will:

  • Prepare you for drug rehab and detox services
  • Support you through the detox and recovery stages
  • Ensure you commit and follow through
  • Help you with personalised counselling sessions
  • Provide the aftercare needed to keep on the road to recovery

You can beat drug addiction, let me help you get through to recovery with my years of experience in this area.  Working with people who are addicted to drugs is my daily passion and focus. I have seen it all and helped people get better no matter their starting point, from broke and homeless, to professionals with jobs, stay at home parents, teens, university students and young adults.  I have come back from my own drug and alcohol addiction, having ended up rough sleeping in London addicted to heroin and alcohol, to now being clean and sober for over a decade with a successful counselling practice. My personal experience, professional knowledge, and hundreds of clients recovered from drug addiction makes the choice clear, contact me for expert advice on planning your drug treatment and addiction recovery.

Your next step is to call me on 07971 467305 for a free confidential discussion to plan your next steps and build a new fulfilling life