My Harley Street, London Addiction Counselling Practice can help you overcome addictions to drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, internet, and more.

Professional and confidential addiction counselling available at our clinic or your choice of location. Help with finding the right alcohol and drug rehab and detox programme.

I can help because I’ve been there. I know how to get out.

Your next step is to call me on  07971 467305


With the ever-increasing media coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus, we know all too well the emotional, financial and physical impact this pandemic is having.

As recent weeks have shown, the situation is ever-changing, we encourage you to keep up to date with the latest from the NHS, Government and Public Health England.

We are offering online group therapy sessions for 75 minutes to find out more please email or call 07971 467305

What the media says

“Mark Dempster is one of the UK’s most respected addiction experts”
Sunday Mail, Scotland

Also featured in The Sun, The Evening Standard, eFinancial, ITV Daybreak and many more.

Latest Interview

If you are looking for help for addictions, from drug addiction, gambling addiction, sex addiction, alcohol addiction, internet addiction, and more; I know how to help you regain control and end your addictions safely and quickly.  I am a central London addiction specialist and counsellor dedicated to helping people turn their lives around.  You will find peace of mind after working with me, the turbulent life style of addiction will be removed as I walk with you through the steps of recovery.

detox drug alcohol
There are many options available for stopping addiction, the twelve step programs, detox clinics, counselling, and more.  I have worked in this field for 15 years and through my experience with thousands of addicts across all types of addictions I can provide you the best solution to beating your addiction.

If you need a rehab and detox recovery plan, I will take you through the options and get you the addiction rehab and detox services you need.  There are many UK rehab clinics across the country and I have a working knowledge and relationship with many addiction rehab clinics in the UK.  Knowing which ones are right for you and which alcohol and drug rehab centres provide great service is tough to do alone.  Take my advice during this crucial step towards recovery and you can enter in the best alcohol and drug addiction rehab for you circumstances.

Find out more about my alcohol and drug rehab assistance by clicking here.

There is often a lot of resistance to getting addiction treatment, even when someone reaches their rock bottom and reaches out for my help.  It is easy to sink back into the habit of addiction.  Make this the resolution of your life and follow through!  Your mind may fight it and send out all the excuses; the shame and guilt of being an addict, not being able to face your friends and family, you can’t juggle work and life commitments to spend time in counselling, you want to but simply can’t stop using…  Fight this negativity and trust in me and my ability to help you beat addiction.

You came here for help, make that call or email to me today.

If you continue following the decisions and habits that have lead you to the life you are currently in but want to change, the only way to achieve clarity and a real solution is to apply an external force to show you the way out.  You have not failed! You are not unfixable! You have simply followed a path that many others have gone down.  You are not alone on this path even if you do feel isolated on it.  We are humans and are easily lead down paths that we find out too late are ones we do not want to be following.

If you were driving to a destination and got lost, would you stop and ask for directions?  Or would you simply keep trying and trying to get there?  If you ask for directions you will get to where you want to go much faster!  Counselling is very similar, you stop and ask for directions and get to recovery faster.

If you are looking for a way out and get control over your mind and life I will be there for you and show you the right way to ensure success.  Whether you are hooked on drugs like cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, marijuana, ketamine, alcohol, painkillers, prescriptions, or behavioural addictions like sex, gambling, internet, pornography; I have seen it all and helped many individuals and couples work through counselling and therapy to build the life and lives they have always hoped for.

I offer a free consultation to discuss the best course of action tailored for your personal needs. The addiction consultation will provide you with the plan to begin your road to recovery, whether this is with addiction counselling, rehab, detox, or a combination. Be confident that the programme for recovery will inspire you to take the next step and you will realise it is possible. I even offer to meet you at home, work, or and location you choose in Central London for counselling sessions. Find out more about my at your door recovery counselling service here. No longer does being busy mean being unable to work on your recovery.

Professional Addiction Training Services and Publications

The links below will take you to my Addiction Recovery Clinic website which I co-founded and deliver additional addiction treatment services, professional drug and alcohol addiction training, and purchasable books and products for addiction treatment and optimal health.


Self Help Book

Professional Training

Work with The Big Issue


Mark Dempster wants to thank The Big Issue for helping him get a good start during early recovery. The training and support given helped turn his life around by teaching commitment, responsibility, and self worth. John Bird, co-founder of the Big Issue, said “Mark was one of our really troubled Big Issue sellers. We were always having to throw these people out because they were always the ultimate victim (not receptive to change and pointing all blame to their current situation outwards). Mark was very much like that but then he got detoxed and into rehab, read a lot, did a lot of study, and he morphs into this guy who is now a Harley Street specialist. What was once part of the problem is now part of the solution. This is what the Big Issue was set up to do 23 years ago and Mark is the living embodiment of it.” Mark thanks John Bird, Jim Mullan, and everyone at The Big Issue for their continued support by hosting the book launch of his new self help guide ‘The Ongoing Path: A guide to stopping addictive behaviour and fulfilling ambition‘.